A space of common energyScandinavian days

PR & copywritingweb developmentsoftware development


Scandinavian Days is the only such event countrywide, which year by year connects Poland with the northern part of Europe. This few-days-long event contains different conferences, numerous business and cultural meetings with the participation of the ambassadors of Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland, businessmen, artists and the citizens of Szczecin. We provide them with a platform in the web space.



We built a virtual bridge between Poland and Scandinavia – a modern and a transparent website, where both B2B conference participants and people interested in cultural and educational events can easily find all the information. We also introduced a registration panel to allow an easy and quick enrollment for lectures.

Scandinavian days - A space of common energy
Scandinavian days - A space of common energy


Besides the graphic design and the introduction, we also took care of the overall texts editorial and the administration of the website. As a result the service is coherent and friendly to both Polish and English language users. The Scandinavian Days themselves enjoy a huge interest, with a full room on every event.

customer: The City of Szczecin
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