Tradition obligesBosman

brandingsocial media marketing


It is said that Stettin’s Bosman is a brewery with a soul. And it’s true. Its history goes back 170 years into the past. And it is created not only by the place and the product, but above all – by the people. Everything started in German Stettin. And just like that, throughout the years our city’s brewing tradition has been growing stronger and stronger. Currently the Bosman brand belongs to Carlberg group. This year it has a great occasion to celebrate. It is a dignified, noble anniversary that requires a proper frame and noting with gold letters.



If celebrate, then only with revelry, in a festive form. We gave a very unique frame to the pages of history. 170 years of ups, bigger and smaller events – we immured it all in a book. We designed the graphic layout - appropriate for the occasion and the brand’s character. We were pleased to stand on the other side of the camera to seize the soul of this incredible place and the energy of people creating it. We were responsible for the photo session and showing all the things inaccessible for the human eye on daily basis. That is how the print emerged, a tiny bit of true events, considerable events, important events. An exhibition organized to celebrate the Bosman Brewery’s anniversary was the crown of it all. In the yard of the Museum of Regional Traditions (National Museum in Stettin), during the Night of the Museums, we presented both contemporary and historical photos, and of course – with the soul.

Bosman - Tradition obliges


Was Julius Albrecht Weidmann, the brewery’s founder, able to even dream in the year 1848 of the way in which his company will grow – we do not know. What we do know, is the fact that Bosman Brewery is an important place on Stettin’s map. That is why it is crucial to bring it closer to the local community and to build the brand’s awareness, to what we contributed with a great curiosity and even greater commitment. The book „Z żaglem w etykiecie. Historia Browaru Bosman”, as well as the exhibition we prepared, is proudly inscribed in our experience.

Bosman - Tradition obliges
Bosman - Tradition obliges
Bosman - Tradition obliges
Bosman - Tradition obliges
Bosman - Tradition obliges
Bosman - Tradition obliges
Bosman - Tradition obliges
customer: Carlsberg Polska
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