The story of Stettin’s Young Talents Festival goes back to the 60’s and the greatest stars of polish music. Currently the event is one of the most important independent music contests in the country. We took care of the promotion of the 9th edition of the festival and we also supported the organizers with the next ones.
We worked up the conception of the communication and we put it into practice, by creating and conducting the brand’s profiles in social media.
In contextual advertising system, we prepared efficient advertising campaigns, what allowed us to widen the range and increase the ticket sells for the event. We were also responsible for the idea and carrying out of the film that promoted the festival, as well as designing and conducting the advertising campaign on YouTube service.
We indicated the direction of the festival’s communication and we reached the target groups of the event, both young artists and the audience. As a result the contest enjoys a great popularity – every year an increasing number of musicians registers (nearly 500 in 2016) and more tickets are sold.